The school caravan spearheaded by the FMDS-UPOU Committees on the International Year of Biodiversity and Community Service in collaboration with Philippine KOICA Fellows Association, Inc (PHILKOFA) and Yakap Kalikasan Tungo Sa Kaunlaran Ng Pilipinas, Inc. (Yakap Kalikasan) aimed to promote awareness among elementary school children on the importance of conserving biodiversity and of the underlying threats to out planet’s biodresources. This caravan was also a call for action for the youth’s involvement in protecting our environment and a way of giving back to Mother Nature.
The team went around three selected schools and trained a group of selected students in each school. These groups of students were called “Earth Ambassadors” and were expected to help promote environmental awareness in their schools and in their respective communities.
By training this group of students, they were not only empowered but they also learned to assume responsibility for taking care of the environment. The expected outputs of the caravan/capacity building were: 1) empowered earth ambassadors who have the knowledge and skills on being stewards of the environment; 2) capacitated earth ambassadors on the use of digital media in helping conserve biodiversity and protect the environment; and 3) sustainable program on promoting biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation.