Wednesday, January 26, 2011

UPOU to Host 11th National Conference of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature

The UP Open University will be the venue for the 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature (PSSN) to be held on May 24-28, 2011. The Faculty of Management and Development Studies of the UPOU will lead this event. The theme of this year’s conference is "Scientific and Technological Innovations for Environmental and Disaster Management." 

This year's conference will feature scientific researches on science and technology in/for natural resources conservation, environmental education, nature and governance, upland environment, socio-cultural perspectives on the environment, climate change adaptation, and other nature studies.
To encourage more outstanding scientific studies on nature, there will be a competition for the Best Oral and Poster Paper Award. There will be 6 categories for the Best Paper Award: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Integrative Studies, Best Undergraduate Thesis, and Best High School Scientific Paper. Best paper award and cash prize will be awarded to the winners as well as Certificates of Recognition to all finalists. Finalists will be announced on March 26, 2011.

PSSN is a society of professionals from different fields of nature studies, both social and natural sciences. The society was organized to provide and develop strategies towards wise and sustainable use of nature; ensure a faithful representation of responsible thinking and sentiment regarding issues about nature; establish partnership/collaboration with LGU and NGO; establish local institutional chapters; strengthen camaraderie and cooperation among the members. Every year, PSSN conducts a national scientific convention to provide a venue for its members to share the results of their scientific endeavors on nature studies, establish research and extension linkages, elect officers and board of trustees members, and invite other individuals to become a member.

The society is now accepting abstracts/papers for presentation during the conference. For the details of the conference, interested individuals may click on the link below:

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